Enter in April, also we have begun celebrating in earnest Green season Yatsugatake area. Winter of leisure is also fun, but you can enjoy a variety of activities from this time to get warmer.

For example, a Yatsugatake Outdoor activist Tees who provide a variety of activities, mountain kayak will start from April 29. Located in the middle of the Yatsugatake, it is a program where you can enjoy a kayak in the pond that meltwater flows.

The pond overlooking the Yatsugatake You reflection views of the clouds and the surrounding. There are fresh looking forward to drifting on it in the kayak.


Now the situation is like this, but the green season is adorned around budding trees.

About 2 hours once the required time. By the way, it is possible that the dog also ride together, certainly please some people travel at the Pet.

Mountain kayak

Holding period May to November (this year start on April 29)
Holding time 10: 00-12: 00/13: 30-15: 30
Entry fee Junior high school students or more = 5000 yen / elementary school students = 2500 yen / Pets (large dog) = 1500 yen / Pets (small and medium-sized dogs) = 1000 yen
The meeting place Sanmedouzu Highland Park Centre House 1F
Inquiry Yatsugatake Outdoor activist Tees (representative = 080-4436-8423)

For Yatsugatake Outdoor activist Tees here
Yatsugatake Outdoor activism Tees

Click here for the mountain kayak
Yatsugatake Outdoor activist Tees / mountain kayak