The nationwide, but now the time beyond the peak of the cherry blossoms, cherry blossom viewing of Yatsugatake is now is production. In particular, Fujimi and Hara-mura of Nagano Prefecture side, will be in full bloom around the end from mid-April and it is every year is.

This has put together such a Fujimi, cherry spot information of Hara-mura!

Flowering early spot of Fujimi-cho is now in the full bloom weekend

Fujimi Where finally of early spot flowering began. For example, the station-Shinshu ivy Kiyado of the road in a situation such as 3 minutes to bloom in the middle of this week, this weekend is kana bloom, just like. You may also want try to visit those who are planning to go out tomorrow.


Sakura of stations and Shinshu ivy Kiyado of the mid-week road was such a situation.

Since Idojiri in bloom in cherry blossoms mid-last week of the restored house near the historic park, this neighborhood is also recommended if the most recent.


Sakura is like the same Idojiri Historical Park.

The aim eyes weeping cherry trees next week of the town Fujimi!

Fujimi an area where there are a number of attractions of the weeping cherry tree. That Shinanosakai old weeping cherry tree tour course, it also maps that could spin the cherry blossoms are prepared.

Weeping cherry tree is in full bloom is mid-April every year of this course. For example, weeping cherry Tabata was the state in Madatsubomi in the middle of this week stage, waiting for the flowering. Because every year a flowering of around April 10, it might be per the end of next week will aim first of cherry-blossom viewing.


This is weeping cherry Tabata.

By the way, also tour around the old weeping cherry tree together and guide will be held, here will take place on April 23, 24 days. You may also want try signed up to here.

Click here for the most recent flowering situation of Fujimi …
Fujimi Sakura information! – Fujimi official website

Old weeping here for Sakura Tour course …
Old weeping Notice of cherry Tour course – Fujimi official website

For a guided tour, click here …
Why do not you walk in the spring of Yatsugatake to the hospitality guide and together? April will walk for cherry blossoms!

Late April if to your walk to admire the cherry blossoms in Hara-mura!

In particular, the flowering is slow Hara-mura in Yatsugatake area. Spot to greet the bloom in late May and early late April are many.

It north of the cherry blossom front was early last year, but still is April 17 of such Fukakusamuratera of co-cherry tree which flowers early was flowering. The bloom was a weekend of late April. Around the same time sequence of 20 pieces of Yoshino cherry tree is in, and the original primary school schoolyard to make a cherry tunnel, Kashiwagi community center south of Yoshino cherry tree that close to a park, because the bloom well as co-cherry tree which flowers early, is fun to walk slowly.


This is how the last year of deep Kusamuratera.

Sakura is seen in the Golden Week, of Hara-mura-fir Meteorological

Further flowering is slow is of fir of Hara-mura Meteorological. Here I Yoshino cherry tree and cherry bloom, had reached the bloom is Yoshino cherry tree, even last year was earlier flowering than usual was around April 25th. Wild cherry tree is to greet the bloom late about one week from the Yoshino cherry tree, and around May 4 days from April 30, just before and after the Golden Week is now the peak.


Meteorological of last year’s fir was such a situation.

Not yet seen this year of flowering, but is the spot that time of full bloom, which reaches the Golden Week can be expected. Since also available parking lot of tree Zhuang of fir to be parked about 50 cars, it is one of hope spots to go to visit during the holidays!

Flowering information of the last year of Hara-mura Sakura is here …
News from the flowering of the “cherry blossom front 2015 in Hara-mura” – Sakura | News | Hara-mura